If you look around you see almost every one is listening to music and there is a reason why we are constantly listening to music. Scientists state that dopamine is released whenever someone listens to something they like, and that's why you get goosebumps sometimes when listening to that Beyonce. It gives us this feel good feeling, and improves our mood. It's proven that music activates emotional, motor and creative areas of the brain, therefore affecting not just our sense of sound but other senses.  The famous "Stand By Me" by Ben King is a universally loved song and has been sung by many over the years. Even to this day, we have famous artists, street performers, local town musicians, all performing this song. This song personally gives me a feeling of hope and shared love and it does give out a message.

Most subliminal messages are sent through ads, movies, songs etc. and to figure out what the message is, it's easier to break it down to fully understand what the message is saying. In the video we watched, the only written aspects that were shown were the names and locations of these artists, and this is significant because it shows that this song reaches all over the world. They were traveling from California to Louisianan to New Mexico, France, everywhere. This goes hand and hand with the visual aspects of the video, because in the video see all the different cultures they encountered and how those cultures used different instruments to achieve the same sound. Also, the visual shows the expressions on the faces of the artists and that shows that music can have an affect on people.

Electronically this video was shot using cameras, headphones and microphones. The whole process was done digitally because once those videos were reordered they had to edit them all together and connect it together so when it plays, it gives you shots from different countries, and different voices. Essentially, the creator of this video had brought the studio to each location. The oral aspect of this video was the music itself, and you can even say the different variations of how these artists sung the song could have an affect on the message. Each artists sang this song differently, therefore it has a different affect on each individual and I think ultimately that this the message of this song.

Non-Verbal aspects are considered to be clothes, body language, and when watching the video you see all this and how it differentiates from one location to another. The message in this song would also be considered a non-verbal aspect because you can't see the message but when the song plays you can hear it. I believe that the message of this song is that no matter where your loved one is at, no matter what the world is going through, you should not be afraid because we as humanity are all bonded together, and no matter where you go, you have a friend. This video shows that music can bring people together from all over the world, and music has it's benefits.

Since music utilizes the whole brain, it can have detrimental affects on a person and their health. Music has been a form of therapy since 90's and ever since then, it's been proven that it positively helps the human brain. It reduces anxiety, depression in the elderly, and improves self-expression and communication. The goal when using music therapy is to better your communication, social, emotional, cognitive and sensory skills. And I can confidently say that when watching this video that feeling of shared love and hope really did improve my mood, and that right there is the power of music.


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