In today's society, we are presented with the idea that we have equality and still to this day, people of color face discrimination. The concept of discrimination is very grey because it comes in all forms, not just on race. In today's world, we preach that we want to all get along, all races, and yet still we are dividing ourselves. Modern segregation is real, and as much as we like to think our society has grew from that part of history, it is still sadly in place. Being "racist" is not something anyone is born with, it is something that is taught and it's taught because people grow up and believe stereotypes and then teach that to their youth. This then leads us down a road where we have tried for so long to steer off of. As much as we'd like to see less of it, racial discrimination happens every day, and it's from all races. Everyone is apart of it, and segregation between our cultures, our social groups and stereotypes are what lead us down the road...