BP2 - Johnson's Impeachment

Everything you say as a public figure is always heard. 
"Pubic opinion in this country is everything!"Abe Lincoln once said. With that statement, it makes me think that the president has a very high standard and image to uphold. So what does a president have to do in order to be impeached? They have to commit a high crime such as treason or bribery but back in the 1800's, firing a senator would do and that is exactly what Andrew Johnson did. Johnson was sworn into office after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, while the United States was going through Reconstruction. President Lincoln just had passed the Emancipation Proclamation which stated that all persons held as slaves were now free, and with it being that time, Johnson was not in favor of the policies. He let personal beliefs reflect his decisions as President by immediately passing "black codes" to control the behavior and labor of African Americans, once he was sworn into office. Once this was brought to the attention of the Senate, they denied his request to do this. This arose the Tenure of Office Act, when Johnson fired War General Edwin M. Stanton who strongly opposed Johnson's reconstruction policies. The Act prohibits the president from removing officials without senatorial approval, and even though Johnson knew this act, he still wanted to test it. To no surprise, he was removed from office. After impeachment Johnson returned to Tennessee, then soon came back into office and was the first president to return to office after presidential tenure. Unfortunately his reign ended short after suffering from a stroke in 1875. President Johnson saw the world strictly in black and white, and when it comes to representing a country of all colors, you have to be more open minded, and with that, it ultimately killed his reputation. This to me sounds a lot like our current president, Donald Trump. Donald Trump was elected into office back in 2016 and ever since he has been in office he tends to act like a comedian. He makes a lot of inappropriate jokes, especially on social media platforms, talking about all types of unethical topics. Donald Trump is blatantly making the United States look like the stereotypical fat and dumb America. Currently, Trump has been charged for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress, by using bribery to boost his chances of reelection in 2020. He bribed Ukraine officials to find anything on his opponent Joe Biden. This broke out all over the news and it was all over social media, where is active on, and it really is making us look bad. We aren't here to get political, but Trump has a few hills to get over and this just proves that the public opinion has everything to do with this country. Trump has a duty to just protect the citizens and insure that we are all equal, but his ideologies seem to be a little too far to the left for this upcoming generation. Johnson had the chance, but once again their personal beliefs and views get in the way, when they have to look at the bigger picture and see that we are all mixed with one another. 

“President Andrew Johnson Impeached.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 9 Feb. 2010, www.history.com/this-day-in-history/president-andrew-johnson-impeached.

Varon, Elizabeth R., and University of Virginia. “Andrew Johnson: Life After the Presidency.” Miller Center, 12 July 2017, millercenter.org/president/johnson/life-after-the-presidency.


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